Ithaca Falls is located within the city of Ithaca on the Fall Creek which has several more waterfalls. Ithaca Falls is by far the most picturesque and picture-friendly among them though.

You can come up pretty close to the base which makes the view very impressive.

How High is Ithaca Falls?

Ithaca Falls is 150 feet (~45 meters) high.

How do I get to Ithaca Falls?

Even though the waterfall is located inside a pretty big city, getting there may be quite misleading.

We had to roam around the city until we could figure it out.

The waterfall observation point is located on Lake Street. Park your cat across the street and head to a bridge across the river. There you will notice a trail to the right from the bridge.

Ithaca Falls trail is very short (0.2 miles) and it will take you straight to the base of the waterfall.

The view is spectacular!

Can you swim in Ithaca Falls?

Swimming is strictly prohibited in Ithaca Falls.

Judging from the signs around, even touching objects is not encouraged around the area due to lead contaminated soils around the waterfall.

The other two waterfalls nearby are Taughannock Falls and Buttermilk Falls.

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